Arvigo® Therapy is a form of bodywork who's ancient techniques originated in Central America and are deeply rooted in the Mayan culture. Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN formulated these techniques after her 12 year apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti- a great Mayan shaman of Belize and Miss Hortence Robinson- an herbal midwife.
This therapy profoundly affects the reproductive and digestive systems. It's work is widely known for correcting a tilted uterus and alleviating congestion of the abdominal organs.
These external, non-invasive manipulations are applied to the abdomen, pelvis and low back/sacrum with the intention of restoring the vital systems of flow- blood, lymph, nerve, and energy. They gently release myofascial restrictions and emotional armoring, allowing the organs to function optimally and return to their proper alignment.
* Pre-conception, Pregnancy, Postpartum
* Fertility challenges
* Chronic Miscarriage
* Irregular or Painful Menstruation
* Endometriosis
* Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
* Fibroids
* Uterine Prolapse
* Blocked Fallopian Tubes
* Chronic Yeast Infection
* Chronic UTI/Bladder Infection
* Urinary Incontinence
* Peri-menopause & Menopausal symptoms
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Colitis
* Chronic Constipation
*SIBO- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
* Diverticulitis
* Crohn's Disease
* Indigestion
*Food Sensitivities
* Bloating/gas
* Chronic Headaches or Migraines
* Chronic Skin Conditions
* Low Back Pain
* Sore Heels When Walking
* Depression/ Anxiety
* Trauma
* Post-surgical Scar Tissue
* Chronic Fatigue
Like many who fall into this work, it was my own personal struggle that became my driving force. Back in early 2016, I was newly married and eager to start a family. As someone who saw herself as a healthy individual, I assumed I would have no problem getting pregnant- and I did. We were elated and ready to start this exciting new chapter!
As the weeks passed, pain started progressing and became borderline consuming. Anxiety started setting in, as this didn't feel like your "normal pregnancy pains." Something was very wrong. A few days later, I started to hemorrhage and ended up in the ER. They determined it was a 'typical' miscarriage and to follow up with my doctor.
Feeling heartbroken, angry and confused, I spent the next week getting multiple blood draws and ultrasounds. Meanwhile, my pain was still consistent and hormone levels were skyrocketing.
Another week had passed, and with one final ultrasound the doctors found it was rare type of ectopic pregnancy. That landed us an emergency trip to Mass General.
The following weeks and months were a rollercoaster of emotions. I quickly realized that pregnancy loss is a bit of a taboo subject. When mentioned, its often met with discomfort and not knowing what to say. It leaves one feeling isolated with consuming thoughts of anger, guilt, helplessness, and a major distrust in your body.
But having the courage to share my story with others started to heal me. The more women I spoke to, I found them starting to open up about their own struggles and losses.
It was way more common than I realized- 1 in 4 women in fact, suffer a pregnancy loss. Through this, I had found some solidarity.
Fast forward a year, and we were ready to try again. After a few months, I became pregnant- only to find out that it was yet again, ectopic.
The news was devastating, but this time it fueled a fire inside me to take action and find the root cause. Doctors told me, "both of your tubes are blocked" and "IVF is the only way you'll get pregnant again." I had an instinctual resistance to the news. I wasn't ready for the physical/emotional toll one takes during the IVF process. With that, I put on my alternative medicine thinking cap and began to research! What causes/clears blocked tubes? Side note- I had a majorly tilted uterus as well...let's fix that too!
Throughout my searches, I saw this "Arvigo® Therapy" mentioned frequently. Once I looked into it, and realized it was a massage modality, my mind was blown. THIS was it. I found a local practitioner and booked a life was forever changed at that moment. The clarity I felt and the light that was brought back into my body prompted me to become a practitioner so I could share this incredible work with others.
After practicing these techniques on myself and others over the course of that next year, I surprisingly found myself pregnant with my daughter whom I successfully gave birth to in February 2020.
For that, I wholeheartedly believe this work. Even if pregnancy isn't your goal, the empowerment alone with healing your own body is why I am forever grateful and feel called to share this with others.